Thursday, February 7, 2013

Almost 2!!

Well, we finally buckled down and are weaning Little B off his paci. We knew it was time, but he was just soooo attached to it, that we were having trouble sticking to our guns. When Joelle got really sick with her migraines, he really became dependent upon it. The speech therapist said it needed to go, and we knew that anyway. So, we take it in the morning and after nap time, and he gets it for naptime and bedtime. Some days are good days, some days are bad days. He will go one day and not even miss it, and then the next day go beserk when we take it from him in the morning. At some point we will have to begin to take it for nap time, which isn’t something we are particularly happy about lol. Without it he does make a lot more sounds, so we are hoping that he will begin to find it easier to communicate.


Speech therapy is going really well! He has begun to make a lot more sounds and words, and is really beginning to try and communicate. He still spends most of his time screaming for what he wants, which is sooooo frustrating. We are trying to teach him more signs, so that he can communicate without having to use words. Right now we are to focus on responding when he makes a sound or says a word, and repeating them back to him, so that he understands that words have meaning. He loves to communicate with strangers now. Sometimes he shouts at them to GO in the elevator. Or he waves bye bye :) He says YAY when he does something right, and OH NO when something goes wrong. He tells the dog to get OUT of the kitchen, and yells MOVE to the cat. Some of the signs we are working on are MILK and EAT and BABY for his stuffed animals – not because he is getting a new baby lol.


For quite a while he was obsessed with Shrek. Then it went to Thomas the Train. He is still obsessed with playing with his trains – he has like 20 – but his favorite movie to watch is Cars. And by favorite we mean at least once a day, sometimes more. He apparently doesn’t have fast evolving tastes, he finds a good thing and stick with it lol.


We are having his birthday party on the 24th, but it’s going to be family only. Joelle is just not able to handle a big party, and be able to function through hours of tons of people. He goes for his 2 year check up on the 25th, and we know he is well over 30lbs now. We just don’t know how tall he is.


We are incredibly thankful that he has only been sick once since Nov 2011, and that was in Nov 2012. He had an ear infection, but we only took him to the doctor because we were afraid that he had pneumonia (since it was going around, and Josiah – Joelle’s younger brother - had it). He has also, praise God, avoided the flu and RSV. It was weird to find out he had an ear infection, since he had no fever.


We also got his hearing tested again in Nov, and praise God again there was no fluid! His hearing was perfect, and we were very happy that we did not do tubes.

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