Friday, July 8, 2011

B is doing so well!

WE LOVE CEREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far we have tried oatmeal and rice, and next up is mixed grain once the oatmeal is gone. Seriously tho, this stuff is like the most amazing thing EVER! We make his bottles thicker, and his baby food thicker, and his cereal in the mornings thicker - and no more vomit :) Granted he still spits up, and sometimes a lot, but at least there is not the full fledged vomit like there used to be :) At this point we will take spitting up over vomiting ANY DAY!

It's amazing all the milestones that he has just suddenly reached - literally overnight. He woke up one morning babbling, not just cooing. He can reach for things now using a raking grasp. He loves his feet, and is working on trying to pull them up himself. He tries desperately to sit up, and loves for us to hold him up our lap. However, once the back support is lost, toppling down he goes :)

Did we mention he LOVES to eat? Like LOVES LOVES? Lol. Squash is still his favorite, along with peaches and sweet potatoes. We haven't really tried any other fruit, he isn't very fond of bananas or apples. And he does not seem to enjoy carrots at all :)

Since the addition of cereal, his sleeping habits have changed dramatically. He now seems to like his crib, and he goes back to sleep right away after his 1:30 - 2:00am feeding, and the 5:30-6:00am feeding. Then he sleeps in till between 9:00-10:00....something Joelle is ECSTATIC about :)

We had a great 4th. Got to see some absolutely AMAZING friends, and hang out with family. Jeremiah got a hc thanks to his wonderful sister - the sheep has been shorn lol. Sat night Joelle's parents kept the baby so we could get some sleep. We missed him terribly and could't let him go during church on Sunday, but boy was that sleep nice! We also got a chance to go to the pool by ourselves, which turned out to be kind of boring hehe.

Also, did we mention Jeremiah had a 3day weekend for the 4th? :) :) :) That was probably the most amazing thing of all!