Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We forgot to post some pics – so here you go :)


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Happy New Year!

Holy smokes are we behind! To tell you the truth, sometimes we forget that this blog even exists! We are just so busy, and Benjamin changes so fast, that it is hard to keep up with everything. So let's see...

Benjamin is getting therapy through Babies Can't Wait. It is offered through the state of GA, and it is also free for us. He has currently only had one therapy session due to the holidays, and his next one is Jan 3rd. We are so excited to see him progressing! He still is not putting together two word sentences, which is the main reason he was referred for therapy. But everyday he copies a little more, and is starting to slowly put things together communication wise. He still has trouble though explaining what he wants, and being able to tell us how to help him. So...we still have A LOT of screaming fits. And throwing food on the floor because he does not like it. 


However, he has been copying us now with words and deeds. He knows most of this body parts, though he confuses teeth and feet which is adorable! He also knows a lot of animal sounds, will pretend to snore when you tell him to sleep, and says “"aww” and pats your back when you tell him to give you a hug.


He LOVES Thomas the Train. Like – is obsessed with it. It’s all he wants to watch, and his trains are pretty much all he wants to play with. We are sick of Thomas, but since the morals are a whole lot better than Shrek – which he used to be obsessed with – we aren’t minding so much.


In Oct Joelle and Benjamin and Joelle’s mom went to see her grandparents in PA. It was B’s first time meeting them. He was a holy terror in the airports, though, lol. On the flight up he got antsy right at the end, and on the flight back he slept the whole time. But during the times were they were waiting for a flight or walking back/from the terminal – he spent the majority of the time throwing down and screaming. Exhausted does not even begin to cover how much he wore them out. However, the grandparents had  WONDERFUL time meeting Benjamin. He loved his cousins, who were a good bit older. They enjoyed playing with him too, and kept him occupied and interested.


Jeremiah is right now thankfully in a slow time. :) This means that he actually gets to see his family, and spend time with them. Joelle’s migraines have been SOOOO bad that it is hard to get family time – so we are greedy about any chance we get. Our current main family event is grocery shopping. Which we have learned, the hard way, is something that Benjamin needs to be full to do. A hungry  toddler being denied all the food in the cart does not mix well.


The pain specialist is trying some new meds for Joelle, please pray that they work and that she will experience relief. Right now she is on long acting nucynta, which makes her very very sleepy. For about 11 days she could not even drive. She goes back to the pain specialist on the 2nd, and we will see what happens. According to the pharmacist she is not supposed to be on it for a long time. It gives her some good days in the midst of the bad. About every 3 days she would get a semi good day, to where she could get out of bed and take care of things that have been building up.


Oct was also a blessing because Jeremiah’s dad came to town from China! We really enjoyed see Tom, and he also got to meet Little B for the first time.  He brought some trucks for the him that Benjamin has really liked playing with. We miss Tom a lot while he is overseas, so we eagerly await his visits. :)


Christmas and the new year have come and gone. This past year was a year of great trial, and loss. But it taught us how to lean closer on the One who provides all peace and grace. Christmas was a lovely time with family. Benjamin was truly blessed with his presents. We didn’t really do anything to celebrate the new year, Jeremiah managed to stay up for it, but Joelle was sound asleep. If we had a party to go to we would not have been so lame, but alas, lame we are. :)


Benjamin will turn 2 at the end of February! That is so hard to believe! It seems like he was just born. Also, we are glad that we did not put the tubes in his ears. He had a hearing test in Nov, and his ears were perfectly clear! Of course, two weeks later he ended up with an ear infection in one ear, and fluid in his other one. We took him to the doc because of his cough and pneumonia going around, but we never suspected that because he had no fever.


We are still no pg, so all in His timing. We are going on 17months, and debating whether or not we need to seek medical help and/or advice. We didn’t with Benjamin, and God worked it out when He was ready. It’s so hard to know this time though, because He has not given us a time like He did with Little B. All we can do is hope, pray and wait each month :(


We are looking forward to the new year. We pray it is one of great healing, of grace and peace, and that dreams are answered and hope restored. May God bless each and every one of you. May you know Him greater and  grow in His goodness and love.