Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hello Everyone!

We are still here! Not much going on, everybody is doing - well - ok. Little B is growing like a weed, so happy and content. He goes for his 9 month check up on the 27th of this month. Can't wait to see how big he has gotten! :) At the beginning of October he weighed in at 21 lbs 8 oz. No clue how long he is now, but we still think he might be a little bit on the short side :)

He is scooting everywhere, and can get up on one leg and crawl. He is trying very hard to be able to pull himself up too! He doesn't want to stand up tho, just get up on his knees. We need to lower his crib pretty soon.

He babbles consistently as well! He even says "momma" and "dada", but has no clue in that he is saying them. He also puts lots of constants together with vowels. He is into blowing raspberries, but at least not spitting like he used too! He was in this one phase where all he did was spit and spit! His entire front would be soaked, but he loved it! :)

Still not sleeping through the night - argh! Some nights he wakes up once a night, other nights twice. Lately his nose has been stuffed so he has trouble going back to sleep :( Hopefully this minor cold will pass soon and he will be back to his normal self.

Joelle is having it pretty rough with her migraines. She never knows how she will feel when she wakes up in the morning. Some days she can function, some days are great, and some days she cannot get out of the bed. Her family is great about helping out, but it still breaks her heart that she cannot take of Little B like she needs too.

Jeremiah is still running a route at work, and still expected to function as a manager. It is VERY frustrating for him right now, but at least he gets to work normal hours - for the moment. There are going to be some big changes coming up soon, so please pray for peace and wisdom for him. He is worried about them, but knows that God is in control.

We are loving this fall weather! It means we can go out and do things as a family now, enjoying the out doors. The summer heat always gives Joelle a migraine. :( There is a park very close to our home, and we plan on taking Little B there a lot.

Also, we need prayer about where we are going to move. We just signed a 10 month lease on our apartment, and so we will need to move around October of next year. We really want God to guide us, and give us the perfect house without us doing things in our own strength. Please pray for wisdom as we begin the search for a house. We are hoping to be able to use our income tax return as a down payment :)