Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We had to up B's medicine again, which is a good thing. He was not stopping spitting up for like two days, and then had a really bad reflux attack one night. He hasn't had one of those in a while. So, thankfully, the doc could tell us what to do over the phone and we did not have to take him in and pay our copay for a simple weight check. However, they said if it didn't improve within 5 days we would have to bring him in.We think we are seeing progress, and hopefully that progress will continue.

He is becoming so much more alert now! He smiles at you and talks and coos, and responds when you make silly noises. He likes to bat things, even though his aim is still pretty bad :) He has is becoming much more aware of us! When we are out in public and we move out of his line of vision, he cries. He doesn't do this at home tho.

When he wakes up in the morning he just talks and coos with Joelle, and then sits in his bouncer like a big boy while she gets ready for the day. It's unbelievable how much he has just blossomed in the past 2 or 3 weeks. Sleep is an issue again though. We must have jinxed ourselves earlier talking about him only waking up once. The past 3 weeks he has woken up three times a night, sometimes more. Apparently when they do this they are supposed to be getting ready for some big developmental leap - we wish it would hurry up and happen so we can get some sleep again! :)

He goes back for his 4month checkup on June 27th, cannot wait to see how much he weighs and how long he is. He still seems a little short to us, and is definitely CHUNKING up. He is hard for Joelle to carry already in the seat. Pretty soon he will be able to become a hip baby and that will make things easier on her arms (tho she doesn't mind the work out hehe!).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy thoughts :-)

Wow! Time for an update, sorry it's been so long. Not much has happened tho, lol. Little B is still growing like a weed, faster and faster. He weighs about 13lbs now, and is 21inches long still. He has more and more alert times during the day, and loves to smile and "talk". We will be riding down the road and he will just be cooing and laughing in the back seat, happy as can be with himself. He is such a delight to our hearts!

His reflux is doing MUCH better. He still spits up, but it seems to be decreasing every day. His nightly screaming fits have all but disappeared as well, which is a huge answer to prayer. We have noticed that if we let him cry to hard before he eats (while we are making the bottle) it seems to activate his reflux, and then he cannot eat. We are trying to not let him get upset...which is kinda hard to do because he wakes up CRANKY and wants to eat immediately lol.

Last night he came THISCLOSE to sleeping through the night! And he slept in his bassinet the whole time, for the first time. Of course Joelle was up constantly checking on him, but he did good. We were so proud of him! Hopefully this means he will now sleep in his bassinet and then crib instead of with us. Mommy and Daddy slept a whole lot better last night too! (But don't tell Little B that or he will regress lol).

Joelle had a HORRIBLE spell with her migraines 2weeks ago. She spent 4 days completely drugged, while her mom watched the baby. She ended up in the ER and still got no relief. Her neurologist put her on another daily med, and gave her a stronger pain pill. Used sparingly, the pain pill seemed to break the cycle of the migraine, finally. And then the daily med (verapamil) seems to be holding a new horrible migraine at bay. Please just keep praying that these meds work and she finally gets some relief from the migraines.

Mother's day was a happy day! We went out to eat with her family, and then went out for a little shopping. Little B sleeping so well at night definitely helped Mommy out alot!

We cannot believe how blessed we are with our son, and we hope and pray daily that we would become more and more like Christ, and be a living Word to him, that he might know Christ through our examples.