Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reflux issues

Little B is doing ok, but he is hitting a rough patch right now. We had to switch his formula for the first time since he came, but we are not sure that it's doing any good. He is gaining weight though, up now to 10lbs 3oz. So far he has been gaining a lb a week :-)

We switched his formula because he was spitting up and spitting up and spitting up, and had started vomiting as well. He would also arch his back and scream during feedings, and in the middle of his sleep. Right now we are trying the new formula before we go on Zantac. Since he is not projectile vomiting they don't think he needs Zantac at the moment.

Not sure the formula is working because he is still having his screaming fits :-(

Thursday, March 24, 2011

1 month old!!!

All quiet on the home front here :-) Little B is doing well, and growing like a weed.

He turned 1month old on Wednesday - which is AMAZING! So hard to believe that a month has passed already. He is drinking about 3 1/2 ounces of formula every 3 hours, and about every 4 hours during the night which makes Mommy very happy!

Daddy is doing well too, but he is still working the craziest of hours. Tonight he is working late doing a rodent trapping. He will hopefully be home some where around midnight - again, hopefully!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Little B went to the doctor today for his 2w check up...actually it was closer to 3w lol. He will be 3w on Wednesday - which makes Joelle want to cry :-(

His weight was 8lbs 4oz, up almost 2lbs from birth in 3w! His head circumference was great, but he only grew 1/2inch. However, doc said he should make it up :-) He does still have a little thrush, and a mild case of reflux. Right now we aren't doing meds for the reflux because it is so mild, but should he start acting like he is pain that is an option. Sooo...we currently have a short and fat, and very happy, baby :-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Thrush cure

Yesterday, after 8 doses of Niastatin, we noticed that Benjamin's thrush appeared to have multiplied by a thousand times. We are still boiling everything, so that wasn't the cause. We called the doc's answering service and spoke to a nurse from CHOA. Apparently, they have noticed that more and more children are becoming immune to Niastatin :-(

Her solution was very surprising tho. We thought she was going to tell us to use the messy Gingaviolet, but it turns out her solution was Milk of Magnesium. Applied 3x a day for 3 days, and already we notice a difference. Hopefully by tomorrow he will be cleared up! And if not, before we go back to the doc, we will use the Gingaviolet. My doc (whom I spoke to after the nurse to make sure it was ok to stop the Niastatin) had never heard of using MoM, but gave us the go ahead to try it.

So far Benjamin appears to be less fussy and in less pain, and tolerates the MoM A LOT better than the Niastatin. The other med could cause a tummy ache, and usually made him throw up. The MoM appears to be a lot calmer on his little digestive system :-)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thrush :-(

Benjamin is doing well, but he does have thrush :-( He wasn't supposed to go to the doc until his 2w check up March 14th, but we had to take him in yesterday (or rather Joelle and her mom did) because of the thrush. He has had three doses of Niastatin so far, but it doesn't look any better. Please pray that he will heal soon, and that Joelle will not freak out so much :-) She still blames herself for letting him get it, but has now become the boiling Nazi.

However, he has gained back the 4oz that he lost at the hospital and then 5 more. That makes mommy very happy, and makes her feel better for him getting thrush. So he now weighs 6lbs 11oz.

                                              My sweet little boy!!!

                                                       Snuggling with daddy

                                             Please excuse his pink and purple pacifier :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doing well

Benjamin eats and sleeps like a champ! He is slowly getting on an eating schedule, and does so love to eat...even though it takes him forever to decide he is hungry :-)

Mom and dad are doing well, Jeremiah went back to work and has already had a crazy two days :-( Please be in prayer for him, that he would be able to recuperate from the hospital and be able to focus on what he needs to do with work and that God would continue to give him grace and strength.