Saturday, February 26, 2011

Joelle's birth story

Short: 6.6lbs, 19in long and born at 5:14pm. I had gone to the doc on the 18th, and she felt that an induction would work really well for me. 

Long: I got to the hospital at about 3:30pm. By 4:00pm I had the Cervedil in, and by around 5 I began contraction slightly. I was just mostly crampy and had some irritation. I got some sleep that night, and so did Jeremiah. When I got there I was about 1cm, and they decided the Cervedil would work better than a low dose of Pitocin. They took out the Cervedil at 4:30 and the Pitocin was started at 5:00am on Wednesday morning. I began having more contractions, but still not too bad or intense yet.

My doc came in at 10:30pm to tell me what was going on, and I explained to her about wanting to wait till around 4-5cm to get the epi. She said that was fine, just as long as I was in a steady and regular labor pattern I could get the epi. She didn’t care if it was at 2cm.

At 9:00 the next morning the doc came in and decided to break my water. She tried to place an internal monitor to check the intensity of my contractions, but it was not happening. This was not a pleasant experience  by 9:30; however, I began having contractions, steady contractions. 

Around 10:45 I began to really get in agony. At this point my mom came up, and I began having to really breathe through the contractions. They came in and checked me at 12; I had progressed to 2.5 – 3cm. By now I was in severe pain, so I asked for the epi. It took till 1:30 for the anesthesiologist to get there, and during that 1.5hours I was MISERABLE! I could only breathe and yell, and I did throw one or two soft things  and no, I threw them at the wall and not Jeremiah lol. They were coming around 3-4 minutes steadily now. 

At 1:30 the lady came in to do the epi. She was AMAZING - very fast, very gentle and very kind. Mom stayed in there with me while Jeremiah went out to walk off the nervous energy (he doesn’t handle needles well lol). I felt almost no pain from the epi, and as soon as she gave me that first dose I felt relief. I had three contractions during the time that she was giving it to me, but since I was sitting up they oddly felt better. Within a minute I was feeling pressure from the contractions, but no pain. 20 minutes later, I was in heaven. Oddly though, since I have scoliosis, my left side got number than my right so that was very odd :) They checked me after, I had progressed to 5cm so I kept my goal of making it to 4 or 5cm. 

At around 3:00 the nurse came in to check on me, I asked her if I was still having contractions. She said “Oh yea! Very regular, every 2-3minutes”. I was sooooo happy to not be feeling anything anymore!!

At 4:00 my blood pressure dropped barely, but started the machine beeping. I finally called the nurse in; I thought it was the IV anyway, because the beeping was annoying lol. While in there she checked me, and I was at 9.5cm!! When she told me I was getting ready to have a baby I flipped out! I couldn’t believe I had made so much progress!

At 4:30 the doc came in and had me give some practice pushes. Sure enough, I was ready to push. The nurse worked with me for about 15 minutes, and then went and got the doc because the baby started having a decelerating heart rate. I didn’t know any of this was going on, but apparently the baby has a lower heart rate the whole time. Freaked my mom and Jeremiah out, but I was pretty calm. 

They had me keep pushing in sets of 4, and then rest. The doc told me at one point she might have to use the vacuum because of what the baby was doing, and because my pushing was not very effective. 

I immediately tried harder, and we made fast progress and didn’t need alternate measures anyway. I pushed about 10 more minutes after that (or so, forgive me on the times they are a bit hazy) and then he was here!! Long and skinny and pale. 

So, in all I labored about 7hrs and pushed about 45min or so. I LOVED being induced, and I had a great labor experience! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's time

The day has finally come! We go to the hospital at 3:30 today, and will go from there! :-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Joelle went to the doc today for her 39w 1d appt. FINALLY MAKING PROGRESS!

Unless she goes into spontaneous labor this weekend, we will be inducing Tue/Wed instead of Sun/Mon (hospital could not work us in).

Can't wait for our baby boy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Had a false alarm last night :-) Went to L&D, but turned out what we thought was contractions was actually just a really irritated uterus. Please pray, Joelle is still in severe amounts of pain today and we aren't sure what's causing it. However, the doc sees no reason to worry about anything.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh baby!

As of right now, we are going forward with an induction this Sun/Mon. If Joelle has made progress on Friday at her appt, she will not be going into the hospital until Monday. If she is still not dilated at her Friday appt, then they will begin the induction progress on Sunday afternoon. Please just pray for us, that everything goes well! Thanks!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Update: He came through surgery ok, and will be in the ICU for the next couple of days recuperating. Our prayers are still going out mightily for him!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sometimes, prayer is all you can do

Today, we are in prayer for our home group leader as he undergoes surgery. This surgery will hopefully help alleviate some of the pressure on his spine from some tumors, allowing him to be able to walk again and receive chemo and radiation.

We wish we could do more, and be there more. However, we know that our prayers allow us to be with him in Spirit, and therefore we add ours to the multitude that is already going out for him. May God move mightily, and may He receive all the Glory.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Joelle's 37w U/S and appt went well. Baby weighs approx 6lbs 3oz. Since he has shown normal growth, rate and progression this whole PG, we were released from seeing the perinatologist, unless we experience complications. However, none of our doctors foresee any complications - praise the Lord! We haven't made any progress yet, but the beginning of progress is at hand. So, Joelle will continue to walk as much as possible, and pray for the best.

Please pray that this baby will  begin to make an appearance when Jeremiah is home. Whether labor begins at night, early morning or in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter. Just at a time when Jeremiah is not 3 hours away or more, and Joelle is stuck at home in labor.

An induction at 39w or 40w is a possibility if things don't appear to be moving, because then it would give Jeremiah exact dates to tell his boss he will be off for, and allow us time to get to the hospital together.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday Blahs

Nothing new to report here on the home front :-) We have a 37w U/S this Thursday, and then Joelle has her weekly appt the next day. Praying for some progress, but knowing that it's up to God. Hopefully Jeremiah will be able to come to the U/S, since he hasn't seen Little B after the 19w U/S.

Please be in prayer for Joelle. She is still in severe and constant pain, and reaching the end of her limit physically wise. She just needs Grace to continue to make it through, and strength. THANKS!