Wednesday, August 31, 2011

6month update

Benjamin turned 6 months on the 23rd of this month. He had his 6month check up as well. Everything was GREAT! He weighed in at 19lbs 12oz and was 25.5in long. 88th percentile for weight, but just barely in the average range for height. Doc said not to worry, he will catch up. The exact word he used to describe B was "compact"

He rolls over both ways, and loves to get into stuff. We turn our backs for one second, and he is halfway across the floor digging in Joelle's purse. :) He is not sitting up yet, but will be soon. He also desperately wants to start scooting. However, he cannot figure out how to make him legs and arms work in tandem. As a result, he usually just lays there and kicks, hoping he will go somewhere. So CUTE! He loves to splash in the tub, Joelle usually ends up as wet as he is. :) He also has decided he does not like Stage 2 peas, very amusing to watch his face when we give them to him.

Jeremiah's work schedule is good sometimes and bad other times. Right now he is running a route and trying to be a manager, so that makes things difficult. Lately tho, he has been getting home before 8 or 8:30 so that is a HUGE blessing!

Another praise report is that Joelle's Botox procedure for her migraines worked! In the past week she has had 1 migraine. Normally she could have had upwards of 10! We are daily praising God for this mighty work.

Monday, August 15, 2011

We're here.....

No, we have not fallen off the face of the planet. It's just been a little crazy around here! Jeremiah went through a work spell for about 2 weeks where his normal work hours were 6:30am - 8:30pm. No joke. And then he was working Saturdays and Sundays as well. Joelle has had horrible consistent migraines on top of this. It makes things a little hard to update therefore :(

Last week we went on vacation! We had a blast. Went to a church conference, went to the beach, and hung out with the fam (Joelle's fam went with us). Jeremiah really enjoyed being able to spend that much time with Benjamin.

Chilling at the beach :)
Who, btw, is doing FABULOUS! He weighs about 20lbs or so, (possibly more) and is making so many advancements. He rolls over both ways, and loves to be on his tummy and play with toys. He makes lots of noises, and has taken to spitting :) He enjoys it very much, Joelle not so much!

He is eating more and more baby food, and still gets lots of cereal. He has good days and bad days with the reflux. Some days he throws up more, some days less. But the good news is he hasn't needed to go back on Zantac or switch to Prevacid. He favorite food is apparently green beans and bananas, mixed together! Gross, we know :)